Analyse and generate variations of high-performing website copy

How to analyse and create multiple versions of successful website copy.

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You can use ChatGPT to analyse your best-performing copy and suggest new variations that are likely to perform just as well.

This works especially well for copy where you can directly measure the conversion rate, e.g. marketing emails, landing page copy, social posts etc.

You’ll need some brand guidelines in a doc or PDF, as well as a Google Sheet that lists your copy variations and their conversion rates.

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Here’s a set of brand guidelines for a made-up company, EcoBrew - which focuses on sustainable coffee brewing. I used ChatGPT to generate this but you should use your company’s guidelines or make a doc if you don’t have one already!

I’ve got a very simple Google Sheet set up here which displays 4 variations of header text that we’re testing on the hero section of Eco-Brew’s website. Next to it shows the % increase of conversions we’ve had for each variation.

💡 Tip: Over time you’ll want to add as many variations as you can here (ideally a lot more than 4!) - this will help ChatGPT make better hypotheses about high-performing copy, and in turn generate better variations for you.

Save that sheet as a CSV (go to File → Download as → CSV).

Then attach it to your conversation in ChatGPT with a prompt similar to the one below.

The attached CSV has the results from website copy and the resulting impact on conversions. You are an expert website copywriter. Based on the results in the CSV, make a hypothesis on why certain copy performed well and others did not.

Now ChatGPT will analyse the results based on the copy and % increase in conversions, and hypothesise why certain copy performed well over others.

Now prompt ChatGPT to suggest new variations of the best-performing copy, adhering to the brand guidelines (that you can attach as a doc or PDF) and ask it to hypothesise for each variation why it may perform well.

You're an expert website copywriter. Suggest 4 more variations of the best performing copy to test. Make sure to adhere to the brand guidelines and learnings from the previous experiment results.
For each variation you create, hypothesise why you suggest that copy.

This can be repeated over and over as your sheet gets bigger and more results come in. The more copy variations with positive conversion results, the better ChatGPT’s suggestions will be for copy that’s likely to perform well.

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