Creating customer testimonial campaigns

Use AI to craft compelling customer testimonial campaigns that build trust and credibility.

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Customer testimonials offer a glimpse into the real-life benefits of your product, serving as a magnet for new customers. The challenge is making sure these testimonials are seen by your potential market.

How do you overcome this challenge?

Via customer testimonial campaigns - and you can use ChatGPT to create amazing ones. Steps we’ll cover in this tutorial:

  1. Identify objectives for the testimonial campaign
  2. Select criteria for choosing testimonials
  3. Gather existing customer feedback
  4. Generate testimonial drafts with ChatGPT
  5. Implement storytelling techniques to refine testimonials
  6. Design a distribution plan for the campaign
  7. Ways to measure and analyse campaign impact

Let’s dive in.

Kickstart your campaign by pinpointing exactly what you want to achieve. Let’s ask ChatGPT to suggest different possibilities based on your business:

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I am planning a customer testimonial campaign for [insert your niche]. We offer [insert services and other brand details]. Considering these aspects, what are the primary objectives and goals I can aim for with this customer testimonial campaign?

With your objective in focus, it's time to set the criteria for choosing compelling testimonials. As a sample, I’m choosing to go ahead with brand identity creation with USPs.

Currently, I'm particularly interested in [insert objectives]. However, I don't want to [add details, constraints etc.].Could you suggest specific criteria for selecting testimonials relevant to my goals? These testimonials should showcase our strengths and resonate with prospective students.

Not all the suggestions from ChatGPT will be relevant, but you can pick and choose. For our example, “emotional connection” and “mentions of unique features” are relevant, whereas “diversity of outcomes” is a good-to-have but not a critical criterion.

Now you need to go away and gather customer feedback. Established brands can most likely tap into a reservoir of customer feedback - but if you’re a smaller outfit that doesn’t have access to lots of testimonials already, ChatGPT can help you find new alternatives and sources.

Could you list potential sources to gather feedback from our students and how to compile that feedback? Additionally, for each source, highlight some pros and cons, particularly in terms of cost, ease of process and the reliability/depth of feedback provided?

Lastly, I'd appreciate suggestions on how to structure and store this feedback in a single, accessible place for easy analysis and use in our campaign.
💡 Tip: You can ask ChatGPT for additional questions based on your familiarity with the process. In the above example, I added a question about storing feedback. Another example is asking for relevant tags to deal with different types of feedback.

At this point, you have to sit down with the collected data and filter it to find examples that you want to use for this campaign. ChatGPT can help you there too. You can upload a csv or PDF with your collected data, and ask ChatGPT to suggest best practises for sorting and selecting appropriate testimonials based on the goal of the campaign - in my case, creating a strong brand identity.

Once you have compiled suitable customer feedback, you would likely want to refine the raw comments before presenting them as testimonials. Note: make sure you get permission from your customers to use their feedback publicly.

I have compiled feedback from our students which highlights [insert specific features].

I need to draft compelling testimonials for our coding education brand. These testimonials should reflect the key themes we've identified, and steer towards [insert objectives].

Write like a programming student would with human tone and simple words.
💡 Tip: When asking ChatGPT to write anything, make sure to give it some guidelines on the tone and style. Use the pencil icon below your message to edit the prompt with different guidelines until you get a decent result.

To take it a step further, ask ChatGPT to figure out storytelling techniques that work for each testimonial. Again, to get better results, I had to add writing guidelines.

These are good, but I want to make them more compelling by incorporating storytelling techniques. For each testimonial, identify what storytelling techniques can be used to improve it. Share an improved version of that testimonial after implementing that technique.
💡 Tip: You can also start another ChatGPT thread with these testimonials to  focus on implementing brand guidelines and writing styles.

This copy is a great start - but supporting content will make these testimonials even better. For each testimonial, you can ask ChatGPT to generate introductory text, call to action, social media captions etc.

Now that you have powerful testimonials ready, it's time to get them seen!

Great. How can I best distribute these testimonials? Suggest potential channels, formats and schedules to maintain brand recall.

Last but not least, you might want to identify metrics to track the performance of your campaign and report results over time.

Let’s ask ChatGPT for the tools and approaches to measure both direct and indirect effects.

Thanks. How do I determine what metrics will indicate the success of my testimonial campaign

Besides direct metrics like engagement rates and sign-up numbers, I'm also interested in understanding its impact on our brand identity. Could you suggest practical tools and methodologies for tracking both the direct and indirect effects of the campaign?
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