Tips and tricks for using ChatGPT

Techniques to help elevate your interactions with ChatGPT.

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Learn how to use ChatGPT

This tutorial is part 6, and our final, of our free 'Learn how to use ChatGPT' course.

In this tutorial we'll cover some lesser-known tips and tricks you can use when working with ChatGPT.

Last up in our short course on ChatGPT are some lesser-known tips and tricks you can use to squeeze every last drop of brilliance out of ChatGPT. You’re welcome!

  1. Use the "Regenerate response" button. If the first reply from ChatGPT doesn't quite hit the mark, click the ‘regenerate’ icon under the text to get alternative replies or solutions.
  2. Play around with different personas. Use "Act as a [profession]" or "Let's pretend you're [character]", and watch how ChatGPT adapts to various contexts.
  3. Format like a pro. ChatGPT understands and generates formatted text, tables, and lists using markdown syntax. It can also help with converting files from one format to another, and content restructuring.
  4. Simplify complex topics. If you're struggling to understand a complicated concept, ask ChatGPT to break it down using analogies, real-world examples, or simple language.
  5. Tinker with the tone. Instruct ChatGPT to adopt different tones, personalities, or communication styles based on your needs, from formal and professional to casual and friendly.
  6. Play make-believe. Engage ChatGPT in thought experiments or "what if" scenarios to explore potential outcomes and implications.
  7. Crunch numbers. Take advantage of ChatGPT's ability to understand and generate mathematical equations, formulas, and scientific notations.
  8. Ace your citations. Utilize ChatGPT's knowledge of various citation styles (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago) to ensure your academic writing follows the proper formatting and referencing guidelines.
  9. Perfect your pitch. Use ChatGPT as a sounding board to practice and refine your presentations, speeches, or sales pitches. Get instant feedback and suggestions for improvement.
  10. Seek expert advice. Ask ChatGPT to provide constructive feedback and suggestions for improving your writing, coding, or problem-solving approaches. With prompts like "Review this [piece of work] from the perspective of [expert]", you can gain valuable insights from virtual mentors in any field.

These tips and tricks barely scratch the surface of what you can achieve with ChatGPT. The more you experiment and explore, the more you'll realise just how versatile and powerful this AI assistant can be.

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