Transform long-form content into social content

How to convert long-form content like newsletters and transcripts into short-form social posts with Spiral.

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In this tutorial, we’re going to focus on transforming long-form content into social posts, using a tool called Spiral. Our friends at Every just launched this tool, and we think it’s pretty impressive.

Spiral automates transforming content from one format into another. For example, you can transform client notes into a project proposal, a podcast into a Twitter thread, and much more.

Spiral also lets you create your own content transformation recipes, exposing the system prompts and intermediate AI outputs along the way. This not only helps you automate content transformations, but also become a better prompt engineer and writer in the process.

Steps we’ll follow in this tutorial:

We’re going to walk through three different content transformations:

  • Use a public Spiral to convert a newsletter into a Twitter thread
  • Create a private Spiral to transform a video transcript into a YouTube description
  • Create a public Spiral to convert a blog post into a LinkedIn post

Use a public Spiral to convert a newsletter into a Twitter thread

To get started, you can make a free Spiral account on their website and click the “Get started” button to create your first Spiral. A free account will get you ten Spiral runs.

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We’re going to use a public Spiral first, which is a content automation that has been created by another Spiral user. This is a great way to get started with the platform. To use a public Spiral, click on the “Public Spirals” button below the search bar.

We’re going to use the “Newsletter to Twitter Thread” Spiral. To find this one, search “Twitter” in the search bar; it should be the top Spiral in the search results. Click on it to continue.

Once you click on the Spiral, you’ll be presented with a blank text box to drop in your newsletter content. Copy/paste your newsletter content and click “Run”. We’re going to use a recent segment from the Ben’s Bites newsletter for this tutorial.

After the Run completes, you’ll see the Output below your submitted content, which you can copy/paste to bring to Twitter.

💡 Tip: You can generate multiple Outputs by clicking the “Generate multiple” button next to the Run button. Note, that if you select this option, it will generate four versions, ranked in quality order, which will use four Spiral credits.

Create a private Spiral to convert a video transcript into a YouTube description

Now that we’ve learned how to use Public Spirals, we’re going to make our own Private Spiral from scratch. For our private Spiral, we’re going to make a video transcript to YouTube description Spiral. To get started, click the “Create Spiral” button in the top left corner of the screen.

You will be prompted for an input format and an output format. For our needs, we’re going to have the input be a “Video transcript” and the output be a “YouTube description.”

After you provide the input and output formats, you can provide examples to Spiral to help guide its generated output. You can choose to either provide input and output examples, or just output examples. For this Spiral, we’ll provide both inputs and outputs.

For the input, we’ll paste in a sample video transcript, and for the output example, we’ll paste in a sample YouTube description that we like.

💡 Tip: You can add several examples by clicking the “Add example” button. If you’re looking for good YouTube description examples, go to your favorite YouTube channels and grab samples from their videos.

Once you’ve submitted your examples, Spiral will output the extracted patterns it found in your examples. This is an awesome feature. It lets you see how Spiral will approach future transformations. You can review the extracted patterns and edit them if you think there’s anything to add, remove, or change. For our example, we’re going to leave it as generated by Spiral. Once you're done, you can click “Create Spiral” to finalize the creation process.

With your Spiral created, you can now start running your video transcripts through it. Copy/paste a video transcript and click the “Run” button.

As with the previous example, a description output will appear below your inputted video transcript, which you can copy using the copy to clipboard icon in the bottom left corner of the output text box.

💡 Tip: If your output doesn’t match your expectations and you want to edit your Spiral, you can click the “Edit Spiral” to go back to the Spiral creation workflow or click the Settings icon button in the input text box to update the Spiral prompt directly.

Create a Public Spiral to convert a blog post into a LinkedIn post

Let’s create one more Spiral, but this time we’ll make it public to share with the rest of the Spiral user base. We’ll also use the output-only training process for this Spiral. To get started, click the “Create Spiral” button back on your home dashboard.

For the input format, enter “Blog post” and for the output format, enter “LinkedIn post.”

We’re going to provide “Output-only” examples for this Spiral. Since we’re looking to create LinkedIn posts, we can either provide examples or our previous LinkedIn posts so Spiral matches our voice and tone, or we can find posts from other creators to emulate their writing conventions. For this tutorial, we’re going to provide LinkedIn post examples from the prominent LinkedIn writer Justin Welsh. Click “Extract patterns” once your examples are added.

This is where Spiral becomes a great learning tool. In this step, Spiral has extracted the patterns from Justin’s example posts. We can scroll through to better understand the tone, voice, and structure he uses for his LinkedIn posts.

Once you create the Spiral, you can drop in a blog post and click the “Run” button to generate your LinkedIn posts.

Finally, you can update the sharing settings of your Spiral to make it Public or just provide access to your Team by clicking the Share button in the top right corner of the screen.

And that’s it! In a few minutes, you’ve created several Spirals that can take your original content and transform it into other formats and outputs. Content distribution just got a whole lot easier.

This tutorial was created by Garrett.

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