Learn how to use ChatGPT for SEO

Discover various ways ChatGPT can enhance your search engine optimization efforts.

Wrench Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.com
People Man Graduate Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.com
Checklist Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.com
Quiz included
Certified Diploma 1 Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.com
Certificate on completion

About this course

This course is designed to help you leverage the capabilities of ChatGPT, a powerful AI language model, to enhance your SEO strategies and drive better results. You'll learn how to use ChatGPT for keyword research, content creation, on-page optimization, and performance monitoring.

Throughout the course, you'll gain practical skills in using AI to streamline your SEO workflows, from generating high-quality content ideas to analyzing performance data for actionable insights. By the end of the course, you'll be equipped with a comprehensive understanding of how to integrate ChatGPT into your SEO processes for improved visibility, traffic, and conversions.

Skills you'll learn

By taking this course you’ll learn how to:

  • Understand the fundamentals of SEO
  • Leverage ChatGPT for keyword research
  • Craft SEO content with ChatGPT to drive traffic to your website or business
  • Integrate ChatGPT into your on-page SEO optimization processes=
  • Use ChatGPT to monitor and improve your SEO performance


The tutorials below are in a sequence, the first one is at the top.

Intro to using AI for SEO

The basics of SEO and how AI can elevate your optimization efforts.

Tags Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.com
Wrench Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.com
People Man Graduate Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.com
Using ChatGPT for keyword research

How to generate and refine targeted keyword ideas with ChatGPT.

Tags Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.com
Wrench Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.com
People Man Graduate Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.com
Using ChatGPT for SEO content creation

Learn to craft high-quality, keyword-optimized content using ChatGPT.

Tags Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.com
Wrench Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.com
People Man Graduate Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.com
How to conduct on-page SEO optimization using ChatGPT

Enhance meta descriptions, headers, title tags, and site structure with ChatGPT.

Tags Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.com
Wrench Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.com
People Man Graduate Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.com
Monitoring SEO performance and iterating with ChatGPT

Track SEO metrics and drive continuous improvement using AI-powered insights.

Tags Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.com
Wrench Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.com
People Man Graduate Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.com