How to conduct on-page SEO optimization using ChatGPT

Enhance meta descriptions, headers, title tags, and site structure with ChatGPT.

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Learn how to use ChatGPT for SEO

Welcome to the fourth tutorial in our SEO course. In this tutorial, we’ll cover on-page SEO optimization, including how to enhance meta descriptions, headers, and title tags with ChatGPT as well as improve site structure and internal linking across your website.

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Enhancing meta descriptions, headers, and title tags with ChatGPT

Meta descriptions, headers, and title tags are critical components of on-page SEO. They help search engines understand your content and influence click-through rates (CTR) from search engine results pages (SERPs).

Let’s start with meta descriptions. Meta descriptions provide a brief summary of your page content and appear under the title in search results. They should be concise, compelling, and include your target keywords.

You can prompt ChatGPT to write a meta description for your content by providing it just a title or feeding it an entire article copy.

Sample prompt:

Write a meta description for an article about "[article title]."
💡 Tip: Most CMS services (Webflow, WordPress, Framer, etc.) will have a place within their builder to drop in meta descriptions for your content.

Once you have your meta description, we can create headers for your content. Headers (H1, H2, H3, etc.) organize your content and make it easier for readers to scan. They also signal to search engines the structure and main topics of your page.

Sample prompt:

Suggest H2 and H3 headers for an article about "[article title]."

You can take these headers and insert them into your existing article or use them as inspiration for future articles.

Now that we’ve added headers to our content, we can then generate our title tag. Title tags are the clickable headlines in search results. They should be descriptive, include the primary keyword, and be enticing enough to attract clicks.

Sample prompt:

Generate a title tag for an article on "[article title]."
💡 Tip: Similar to the meta description, most CMS services (Webflow, WordPress, Framer, etc.) will have a place within their builder to drop in a title tag for your content. It’s often located in the same place as the meta description editor.

Using ChatGPT to improve site structure and internal linking

With our content further optimized, we can now focus on site-level optimizations. A well-structured site with effective internal linking enhances user experience and helps search engines crawl and index your pages more efficiently.

To improve your site structure for SEO, it’s helpful to organize your site logically with clear categories and subcategories. This makes it easier for users to navigate and for search engines to understand your content hierarchy.

We’ll prompt ChatGPT to create a recommended site structure based on the description of our healthy eating website.

Sample prompt:

Suggest a site structure for a website about [focus], including main categories and subcategories.
💡 Tip: Once you’ve optimized your site structure, you can export an XML sitemap and upload it to a search crawler like Google to further enhance your SEO. Most CMS services automatically generate sitemaps or there are plenty of sitemap plugins to do this as well. You can read more about building and submitting a sitemap to Google in the Google Search Central documentation.

In addition to optimizing site structure, we can also work with ChatGPT on an internal linking strategy. Internal links connect related content within your site, helping users find more information and distributing page authority throughout your site, further boosting your SEO.

Sample prompt:

Suggest internal linking opportunities for an article on "[article title]." [Optional: Attach a list of content from your website.]

You can follow these steps to dial in the SEO of your entire website, so that not only is your content working for you to attract customers, but so is the structure of your entire site.

In the next tutorial, we’ll dive into the final focus of this course — monitoring and improving your SEO website performance with ChatGPT. You’ll learn how to extract insights from your website data to iterate your SEO approach and strategy.

This tutorial was created by Garrett.

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