Run a project retro using ChatGPT

Elevate your project post-mortems using structured techniques and ChatGPT-powered facilitation.

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Upon completing a project, a retrospective or “retro”, can help you and your team refine process and streamline operations in preparation for the next project. In short, it’s a group reflection on how to do things better. But instead of simply a brainstorm, you can create a structured process.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to:

  • Conduct an effective project retro
  • Identify what went well and areas for improvement
  • Prepare your team for future projects

Step 1: Develop a project retro outline

Start with a simple outline. The only thing ChatGPT needs to understand are the participants involved in the time you’ve allocated to the retro.


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I'm running a project retrospective for a new product we recently launched. Participants will include: [meeting participants]. Develop a [number of hours] meeting outline for the retro.

Develop activities for the meeting

Once you’ve created an outline for your retro, you’ll want to get into the details of each section. You can ask ChatGPT to develop activities and interactions that will help bring out insights and ideas from your team.

For the core components of the meeting, develop brief activities that fit within the allotted time. The activities should help teams generate ideas and provide feedback.

Step 2: Inform and invite participants

For best results, give participants time to think and prepare. Even if they don’t have materials or assets to bring to the meeting, giving them time to reflect and organize their thoughts will lead to a more fruitful meeting.

Write an invitation email to participants that encourage them to prepare with relevant material.

Step 3: Run the meeting

In the moment, you’ll want a reminder of the activities and what instructions you want to provide to your participants.

For each of the activities, give me a brief script going through the instructions.

Step 4: Share outcomes and next steps

A successful retro motivates action. After your meeting, you’ll want to review and consolidate notes. From the notes, you’ll want to highlight key insights and actions that need to be shared with the team.

Draft a brief email to the retro participants thanking them for their time and inviting them to edit or add to the meeting notes. The main call-to-action is for them to share detailed follow-ups with their teams and adjust operating procedures based on the findings from the retro.

Congratulations! With your retro behind you and key actions distributed to team leaders, your company is in a better position for its next project.

This tutorial was created by Jonah.

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