Auto post project updates from your PM tool to Slack

How to create a Zapier Central bot that connects your management tool to Slack.

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Zapier Central is fast becoming one of our favorite AI tools. It allows you to bring the power of LLMs and Zapier Actions with you across the web. It’s a truly effective new AI tool that acts as a web-browsing AI copilot, complete with advanced AI capabilities and automation.

In this tutorial, we’re going to walk through how to automatically extract key takeaways from projects in your project management tools (it can be virtually any project management tool!) and sync them to Slack using the Zapier Central browser extension.

You’ll need:

Steps we’ll follow in this tutorial:

  • Add the Zapier Central browser extension to Chrome
  • Create Slack Behavior in Zapier Central
  • Send Zapier Central command in your project management app

Step 1: Add the Zapier Central browser extension to Chrome

First things first, you’ll need to add the Zapier Central browser extension to your Chrome browser. To do this, navigate to the Zapier Central browser extension page and add it to Chrome.

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Once added, you can pin it to your Chrome toolbar for easier access.

💡 Tip: Make sure you have a Zapier account created to use the Zapier Central browser extension. You should be prompted to create an account within the browser extension if you don’t already have one.

Step 2: Create Slack behavior in Zapier Central

Now that we have the Zapier Central Chrome extension added, we can create our Slack Updater bot. To do this, go to your Zapier Central bot dashboard and click the “New bot” button in the top left corner of the page.

This will create a new, untitled bot. We can rename the bot by clicking on the three dots icon in the top right corner of the screen. We’ll rename our bot to “Slack Updater”.

Now that our bot is renamed, we can add a Behavior. A Behavior is a series of settings that we’ll configure that defines how we’ll trigger the bot action, what the instruction for the bot should be upon being triggered, and what action it should take within 3rd party applications. To add a Behavior, click the “Behaviors” button at the bottom of the screen.

For the Behavior Trigger, we’ll set it to “When I message the bot.” This will allow us to Trigger this Behavior when using the Chrome extension we installed in the previous step.

Once we select the Trigger, we need to define a specific phrase or keyword that triggers the Behavior. We’ll set it to “update Slack.”

💡 Tip: It’s best to make the Trigger message specific while not being too complicated. You don’t want to accidentally call the Behavior, but you don’t want to make it cumbersome to Trigger it as well.

With the Trigger set, now we can add instructions to our Zapier Central Bot. These Instructions are essentially a system prompt for the Bot (i.e. what it will be instructed to do each time it’s called). We’re going to instruct our Bot to extract takeaways from an Airtable record and post them as a project update in Slack.

Sample prompt:

Extract the key takeaways from the Airtable record and post a project update to Slack.

The last step of setting up the Zapier Central Bot Behavior is the Action step. This is where you’ll add the action it should perform in a 3rd party application given your Trigger and Instruction. For our Action, we’ll select Slack as the application.

💡 Tip: Based on your previous Instructions, Zapier Central might provide suggestions for your Action, in this case, sending messages to Slack, which is exactly what we want to do.

You can either select the Action from Zapier Central’s suggestions or click the “Add Action” button and select Slack as the application.

Zapier Central will then prompt us with a few options for Actions. Note, that it will intuit and rank the actions based on your previously defined Instruction, which is helpful. For this example, we’ll select Send Channel Message. We’re choosing this because we’ll be sending the project takeaways to a public channel in Slack.

Make sure that your Slack instance is authenticated, and when that’s complete, you can select the public channel from a list of options. We’ll be sending our updates to our “project-updates” channel.

With these parameters set, you can define a few additional settings, like the Message Text, Slack Bot Name, Bot Icon, and more — we’ll leave these to the default values, letting the AI generate the values for these fields.

💡 Tip: If you don’t have Google Docs authenticated with Zapier, you’ll be prompted to do so on this Action screen before you can define these settings and add the action to your Bot Behavior.

With the Action set, we need to enable the Behavior to complete the setup process. To do this, set the Behavior to “On” by toggling the switch in the top right corner.

💡 Tip: You can set many Behaviors for one Zapier Central Bot by adding multiple Behaviors with different trigger phrases, instructions, and actions.

Step 3: Send Zapier Central command in your project management app

With our Zapier Central Bot Behavior created, we can go to a project page in our project management app. In Airtable, this is the Record Details view in Airtable Interfaces for one of our project records. On the project page, click the pinned Zapier Central extension in your toolbar to open the Zapier Central sidebar and click on the “Slack Updater” bot we just built.

With a new chat open, enter the Trigger Phrase. In our case, it’s “update Slack.”

The Zapier Central Bot will then start working step-by-step to extract the key takeaways from the open project page and post them as an update to Slack. At the very bottom of the message, the Zapier Central Bot will provide a link to the Slack post. Click on that link to go directly to the Slack message.

💡 Tip: This process should work in other project management software like Asana,, and JIRA. Zapier Central is scraping the information from the page as opposed to interacting with the app’s API, so this process is software agnostic. The important thing is to make sure you have the project information opened in a full-page experience to ensure you scrape the right data. If you do run into any issues with a specific PM tool, you can update your bot’s instructions to resolve them.

And that’s it! In Slack, you should see a summary of the project posted by Zapier in the Slack channel you selected when you set up the bot. Project management just got a whole lot more automated! Now, there’s no excuse for not updating your stakeholders on the progress of your work.

This tutorial was created by Garrett.

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