Turn your PRD into a product strategy deck

Build strategy decks from product requirement docs to unite teams and accelerate product launches.

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A successful product development process requires effective communication with all stakeholders, including designers, engineers, marketers, and customers. One crucial aspect of this communication is presenting your product strategy. In this tutorial, you'll learn how to convert your Product Requirements Document (PRD) into a powerful strategy deck that aligns your team and secures buy-in.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to:

  • Convert a product requirement document (PRD) into a strategy deck
  • Share the strategy effectively with your team
  • Get feedback and buy-in

You’ll need:

A completed PRD ready for distribution. While you'll eventually share the full document, your product strategy presentation is key to successfully introducing the strategy and gaining support.

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Step 1: Consult stakeholders teams individually

Before creating your presentation, connect with each team separately. This critical step helps secure buy-in and address potential concerns early. If teams are caught off guard or don’t agree with a product’s direction, it’s better for that to be voiced and discussed in a small group meeting rather than in front of all stakeholders.

For each team, engage the team’s lead and let them decide who needs to be involved in the initial discussion. To prepare for that discussion, ask ChatGPT for some ideas.


I’m leading the development of a new product. I have attached the PRD which I will distribute to all stakeholders. Before that, I’m meeting with the [stakeholder team] about the new product. I want to get their buy-in and get them excited about the product. What are some questions they might have and discussion points I should be ready to discuss.

Step 2: Convert your updated PRD into a draft slide deck

After consulting each team individually and refining your PRD, it’s time to build a presentation outline. Use ChatGPT to help convert your PRD into a product strategy slide deck outline.


Using the PRD I have attached, develop a slide deck outline. I will be presenting this product strategy to all involved stakeholders with the goal of securing buy-in and agreeing to a timeline.

Refine and update your PRD to reflect any feedback and decisions you’ve made with each individual team. Once your PRD is in a place where each team has bought into the vision and is ready to contribute, it’s time to build your product strategy deck.

Provide any necessary feedback on what might need editing and what can be added or removed.

Anticipate questions and discussion

With an early stage product discussion, there are bound to be questions and discussions around project trade-offs, timelines, and business outcomes. You can prepare for those points with ChatGPT.

What are some questions and discussions I can prepare for related to the product and each team’s contribution?

Convert to a PowerPoint presentation

You can ask ChatGPT to create VBA code (Visual Basic for Applications) from your outline. This makes it possible for PowerPoint to turn your written outline into a collection of slides to build off of.

Approved. Convert this outline into VBA code so I can create PowerPoint slides.

Once you have the VBA code, you can open a new PowerPoint presentation, go to Tool > Macro > Visual Basic Editor.

Click on the multi-color icon in the top left. It will open a window where you can then paste in the code that ChatGPT produced for you.

Finally, click the Play button in the top left corner and a new PowerPoint presentation will appear instantly. You’ll still want to apply a template and refine each slide.

Step 3: Delivering the product strategy presentation

ChatGPT can act as a presentation coach, giving you tips on how best to present. You can ask for tips and reminders for delivering powerful presentations.

In preparing for my presentation, what are some tips I should keep in mind for the presentation?
How can I respectfully facilitate discussion but keep the meeting on track and on time?


ChatGPT can also offer (limited) feedback on your presentation style. While it won’t pick up on all the nuances of your presentation, it can automatically transcribe your presentation, analyze structure and use of language, and provide real-time feedback.

I’m going to rehearse a portion of my presentation to you. I would like feedback on the structure and language I use.

For best results, it’s best to switch over to the smartphone app on iOS or Android where you can tap the microphone button and dictate a segment of your presentation.

Step 4: Post-presentation follow-up

After the presentation, maintain momentum by sending a follow-up email. Ask ChatGPT to help draft this email:

Prepare a post-presentation follow-up email that includes the full PRD as an attachment. Be concise and make the call-to-action to review the PRD and [additional action].

This tutorial was created by Jonah.

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